Monday, April 20, 2009

Getting Over the Mountain

Well it has been quite a while since I have posted on here. I could not possibly tell all the things I have experienced in the past year. Anyway, the real reason I am here is to yet again talk about relationships. More over, I would like to talk about the post-relationship. I have just been pondering for some time now about the things that happen during this phase. Most do not even include this to be part of a relationship. I, myself, consider it to be a vital part. It is the hardest part of any relationship depending on the situation. It can also be the most complicated and confusing time. If it was something serious, then it will take quite some time to move on to the next person. This does not mean to forget what happened and act like nothing ever happened. It means learning to embrace what has happened and accepting the past. Looking forward to the future optimistically is hard during these times for some. A lot of people sulk in the past. I am guilty as charged when it comes to this. Deep thought is a huge obstacle. It can ruin a person. It can change who one is and can grow to be. The mind is the deadliest weapon that can be used. It can be filled with doubt. It can be filled with fear. It can be filled with thoughts of penance for things done wrong. To over come these would mean one has accepted things and is ready to move on to bigger and better things.